I have always wanted a blog. I have followed many small farms as they have detailed their daily journeys farming the land, canning and preserving the bounty and raising really cute animals. Everything looks so easy; it seems like they are always happy. Really?
My first topic will be detailing my experience on the farm. Trust me it will be filled with some epic mistakes, some humor which are results from the epic mistakes. A lot of hard work in really hot and sometimes really cold weather and the way things go for me. Seldom easy and only happy about half the time.
My second topic will be mainly a history of "how did I get here? " I want to document this because I am sure one day my memory will begin to fail, and I will need something to remind me of my life journey!
The Third topic will be about the farm transitioning to the kids. (3rd and 4th generation) Eddie and I took the farm from a hog farm to a Country Market agritourism farm. That was our dream and the direction we wanted to go. It is now time for the kids to blaze their own trail. It will be exciting to see the new things they will come up with. I will enjoy passing the baton, it was fun but now it is time to let go. (However, Renee and I will still be busy in the kitchen baking scones, cooking Saturday Lunches and hosted Tea and Paint Parties)
The last topic will just be what is on my mind, but mainly about agriculture in general. The challenges farmers face, farmers who retire without a "next generation" to carry on, and what will become of farm families. My Goal is to write in this at least twice a week.
Picture of the 3rd and 4th generation (Chris and Matt irrigating in the summer months)
